Monday, 10 March 2014

Everyday Makeup // School

I think a lot of people wear makeup to school, and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I wear a bit of makeup to school, not a lot compared to others. 

- Nude BB cream: I don't like wearing foundation at the moment because I find that sometimes it makes my skin itchy because of the roaccutane and I like quite a light thing, also because my foundation fell of the bathroom bench and smashed. I think this BB cream is good, I had to pick it up from the airport and just haven't had the money to get a better one but it's still good. I use it under my eyes and on the odd spot. I apply this with my Mac brush
- L'Oreal true match powder: I used this powder at modeling and have used it ever since, I like to apply a light layer over the BB cream just to set it and blend it in that little bit more, I blend this with my Mac 150
- Clinique pellet: This was my mums, but I sort of took it, I use this a lot, a lot. I usually apply the cream colored one on my eyelids and down into the tear duct area and then I apply the dark brown one lightly, in the upper corner of my eye. I use the Mac 224 for this 

- Revlon color stay liquid eyeliner: I go through about 3 of these a year, I love them. I have a brown one and they last throughout the day and you can get it off easily
- Mac dark brown eye shadow: I don't use this on my eyes, I use it for my brows and I don't really wear it an school that often, but I will sometimes. 
- Lip balm: Lip balm is something i'm applying 24/7 because I can't stand dry lips, I use Lucas Paw Paw because I find many other brands don't really do the job

- Soph x 

1 comment:

  1. I really want to try that BB cream I've heard really great things about it! lovely blog btw! i'd love it if youd check out my blog and comment back xx
