Saturday, 1 March 2014

Birthday Wishes

Today, March 2nd is my Birthday! My 15th Birthday to be precise. Now 15 may seem a very insignificant number but as I discovered it's actually quite a terrifying number. The idea of this came from a conversation last week on camp and it really opened my eyes. What number is 15 half way to? 30, yes, now. 30 is the number (averagely) that you are expected to have found someone, to be thinking of marriage, finding a house, having a kid etc and that is very scary to a lot of us, 15 years isn't a very long time? So it has made me realize that one needs to cherish these moments and future moments and seize opportunities at every chance you get. Wear that dress you've been unsure of wearing, talk to that person you've been weary of, do that activity you've been back and forth about, kiss that boy/girl, tell people thank you, take a step back from those who aren't worth your precious time. 

Thank you to everyone for the Birthday Wishes! I got some lovely things, I've decided to share them with you, this is not in any way so I can show off or brag, it's just because I want to show you and share my thanks and give people ideas for their friends/families birthdays!  

 Breakfast waffles, berries and bacon!

 Red current wrapping is so gorgeous

Country Road high waisted shorts and stretchy pants

Country Road jumper, top and cardigan 

Country Road handbag (I'm in love) and socks 

 Simple Country Road dress

Country Road chunky knit cardigan with zips and leather elbow patches

Pandora bracelet or necklace and two more beads, my pandora is full now!

 Two books and a wallet/document holder from Red Current

Thankyou again, I am so grateful 

- Soph x

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Happy Birthday! Or Day-after-birthday day! Uhm... yeah, I just stumbled upon your blog and can totally relate with you on how time flies and being appreciative and that you sometimes just need to do what you want to do (wear the dress)... So yeah... what birthdays can do with a person ;)
