I believe that life is like a book. Each and every one of us have chapters that make up our lives, some longer than others, some joyous and others sad, but all other these chapters collate to make one book. If you imagine, the first chapter will be the creation of you, then the baby, then the toddler then chapter by chapter it will build up to this chapter, the chapter you are currently living. Now, we all regret things, there are always things we would like to forget but a writer doesn't write a book then tear out a few individual pages? Then the story would not make sense. You see all those hardships, all those times of embarrassment, sadness, loneliness are important, they lead to other moments, great moments, they help make the rest of your story, a quote from The Fault In Our Stars - “Without pain, how could we know joy?".
Think about it, what would be the name of this chapter of your life? The best days? The worst days? The day it all went wrong? The day I felt happy? This chapter isn't the end of your book. You still have more chapters to go, you can't just end the story here. You have to turn the page, create a new chapter, create new moments and learn new things. Because all of these good and bad moments will make up a great book, and who doesn't want to look back on that book and be thankful that they didn't stop at a chapter half way through.
You are the writer of your story. You make the choices. Make the most of this chapter and strive to make a new chapter.
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